Dragon Tales: The Mistress of Secrets

Emperor Lysander has a great deal of tools at his disposal. Vicious mercenary bands like the Iron Circle supplement the Imperial Army he is forming in the capitol city of Nerath. He also employs insidious spies, deadly assassins and priests of Bane. Some of his agents serve multiple roles, such as the author of the… Continue reading Dragon Tales: The Mistress of Secrets

DLC Review: Overlord & Arrival

Like an interplanetary Paul Revere, Commander Shepard has been moving from system to system, race to race, all but screaming “The Reapers are coming, the Reapers are coming!” His warnings have largely gone unheeded. Giant intergalactic Lovecraftian space-horrors? Pshaw! here’s politics and racism to worry about. Even Cerberus puts the occasional science project gone wrong… Continue reading DLC Review: Overlord & Arrival

Dragon Tales: The Captain of the Tower Guard

It takes more than a few individuals to run a keep of any size. The small cadre of dwarves from Hammerfast have outdone themselves rebuilding the former Keep on the Shadowfell, its ten mighty towers rising up above the village of Winterhaven in the northwest reach of the Nentir Vale. A few volunteers have come… Continue reading Dragon Tales: The Captain of the Tower Guard

Dragon Tales: Winter in Summer, Part 1

What follows is the account of a conversation had in the Blue Moon Alehouse in Fallcrest. Three men, a stonecutter, a tailor and a city guardsman, gathered over mugs of ale to discuss the odd events befalling the Nentir Vale. Despite differing professions and opinions, each man knows the names and deeds of their heroes:… Continue reading Dragon Tales: Winter in Summer, Part 1

There Can Be Only One

My sister’s Commander. She gains life. A LOT of life. My family has become pretty keen on the “newest” Magic: the Gathering format. I put the quotes around ‘newest’ because it’s a format that’s actually been around for a while, underground & independent. But like the rockers who have to trade in their hipster glasses… Continue reading There Can Be Only One


“No. I’m not taking another step until Justice lets Anders out to play.” There are some marketing decisions I’ll never understand. Fast food chains showing a split-second of something from a moderately-trending YouTube clip. Ads and reviewers pretending that adding a third visual dimension to one-dimensional stories or characters is worth the investment. Concealing lack… Continue reading Sequelitis

Requiem for the Masquerade

    Has it really been 20 years? Obviously it has, since the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade is coming. I’m definitely interested, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which the time I spent playing that game both on the table and in live action. This pending milestone, plus my… Continue reading Requiem for the Masquerade

It's Just Too Easy

I know this is an issue that has been addressed elsewhere. In the majority of modern first-person shooters, even ones touted for their realism, all you have to do in order to survive a firefight in which you’ve been wounded is crouch behind a chest-high wall. Your health regenerates by itself. I’m not entirely sure… Continue reading It's Just Too Easy