I’ve been inspired to write the following due to Alex Macris’ latest Check for Traps feature on the Escapist. You can read it here. The Cliff’s Notes is basically that a GM in a tabletop RPG should be less of a directive storyteller, and more of an emergent one. That’s a great concept in theory,… Continue reading Ribs Without A Spine
Tag: Gaming
Game Review: Wing Commander: Privateer
My entry for the Escapist’s Review Wars 3. The year was 1993. When it came to the childhood fantasy of space flight I still clung to with the tenacity of a baboon hanging from a branch over a cliff, two computer games had dominated most of my free time in the previous years. When I… Continue reading Game Review: Wing Commander: Privateer
Game Review: Assassin's Creed II
I’ve discussed Assassin’s Creed previously, though not at any significant length. I couldn’t even call what I said a ‘review’ with any fairness, since I only played a bit of the game. There were a few things I liked about the first game, such as the environments, the framing element of the story and the… Continue reading Game Review: Assassin's Creed II
A Brief TF2 Anecdote
My wife started playing Team Fortress 2 on my X-Box live account yesterday. She said she’d gotten some things done in preparation for our move on Saturday, and wanted something ‘quick’ to fill the time. She ended up getting sucked into the epic and pitched conflict between RED and BLU. She’s discovered that she’d probably… Continue reading A Brief TF2 Anecdote
Something A Bit Different
In addition to doing a little writing (less than usual, I’ll admit), I thought I’d try a little experiment. I recorded a little audio related to my Portal review while I had the room to myself this past Friday. I brought that audio into a program called Melodyne which, I understand, is the same software… Continue reading Something A Bit Different
Game Review: Portal
Aperture Science Forms FORM-27991563-888: Testchamber Facility After-Action Report Per your instructions, I have begun to compile the observed and recorded data recovered following the successful completion of testing executed for and by test subject code-named “Chell.” While the repairs to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center may take some time, it is with the utmost… Continue reading Game Review: Portal
Game Review: Team Fortress 2
In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I never played the original Team Fortress (now dubbed Team Fortress Classic). I don’t know if I ever had enough friends who also played that could have helped me assemble a decent team. But the appeal of the idea was never lost on me, and… Continue reading Game Review: Team Fortress 2
Esprit de Corps
I was raised playing games like Chess, Battleship, Squad Leader, Risk and War of the Ring. I still love playing tabletop strategy games with my dad. It keeps my mind sharp, it’s quality time with a parent, and a great opportunity to talk smack at someone I deeply love and respect. Especially when a Xanatos… Continue reading Esprit de Corps
Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 2
After the success of the main game, Valve embarked upon an experiment in episodic gaming, the first portion of which I’ve already reviewed. The second was the keystone in the Orange Box release, and having played it, it’s clear to see why it featured so prominently. The immersion and pacing that made the previous Half-Life… Continue reading Game Review: Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Creating Atmosphere
There is no drama without tension, so the saying goes. And there are very few things that build tension than a well-crafted atmosphere. Considering how hectic my day’s been, I could just end the post there and be on my merry way, but I feel it’s necessary to elaborate for a variety of reasons. So,… Continue reading Creating Atmosphere