Retaliation vs. Retribution

I have hackles. I have more hackles than I’d like to admit. And when they get raised, it isn’t a pretty sight. I’m someone that believes that people in general should be treated with respect and understanding, And when they aren’t, be it in meatspace or on the Internet, I get angry about it. I… Continue reading Retaliation vs. Retribution

500 Words On People

A good soundtrack for this column: [tube]-u05Yc5zurI[/tube] It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed anything. Or stuck to a one-post-per-weekday schedule. I give myself mental and emotional hell for that, on occasion, but you know what? It isn’t the end of the world. It’s okay. I’m okay. My name is Josh Loomis, and I’m a… Continue reading 500 Words On People

The Truth About #GamerGate

“It’s actually about ethics in games journalism.” To some, it’s an argument against inflammatory, despicable behavior that arises from and is associated with the GamerGate movement. To others, it’s the punchline of the bad joke the movement has become, in the light of threats of rape, damage, and even school shootings in protest of women… Continue reading The Truth About #GamerGate

The #GamerGate Post

This was pretty much inevitable. It is foolish to paint any large group of people with a monochromatic brush. Human beings are individuals, even when they band together into groups over a common cause or belief. Sitting here and writing about how huge swaths of the gaming community are toxic, ignorant, vile pieces of invective… Continue reading The #GamerGate Post