Lame of Thrones

Spoilers for Game of Thrones (the TV series) ahead. Fairly be ye warned. But I need to talk about this, because it’s been bothering me ever since the end credits for Episode 4 of Season 8 rolled across the screen. I have so many questions, and I don’t like any of the answers. The biggest… Continue reading Lame of Thrones

Honor & Blood, VIII: Victor

Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this tale can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far: Victor Luxon has completed his task of returning heirloom blades to the great Houses of Westeros. He and his household make for their… Continue reading Honor & Blood, VIII: Victor

Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero

I rolled for the Terribleminds ABC meets XYZ challenge, and got “Game of Thrones” meets “Batman”. I’m not sure I stopped there. Night falls on King’s Landing. I find another dog with its guts spilling into the street. This dog was a person, once. Someone’s son. Maybe someone’s husband. Once a human being, now a… Continue reading Flash Fiction: King's Landing's Hero

Villains Are People Too

I hate Joffrey Baratheon with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Not Jack Gleeson, mind you. I think he’s doing an excellent job with the material. From what I understand, he’s a really nice guy. His character, however, really gets on my nerves. He has no regard for authority outside of his own, his… Continue reading Villains Are People Too

Honor & Blood, VII: Cadmon

Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this game can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far:Having delivered the last of the swords charged to him and Victor Luxon, Cadmon Hightower remained in Sunspear when Victor and Maester Chrysander sailed… Continue reading Honor & Blood, VII: Cadmon

Honor & Blood, VI: Viserys

Courtesy Jim Stanes Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this game can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far: It is Year 296 since Aegon’s Landing. Word of the lost swords of high Westrosi houses by up-and-coming House Luxon… Continue reading Honor & Blood, VI: Viserys

Honor & Blood, V: The Green Boy

Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this game can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far: It is Year 296 since Aegon’s Landing. Jon Snow has left Winterfell for Moat Cailin, home of House Luxon. His brothers Robb and… Continue reading Honor & Blood, V: The Green Boy