From the Vault: Everything Old Is New Again

A post from last year: updated to reflect the fact that my memories of both Man of Steel and Star Trek: Into Darkness have soured considerably. I’ve been blogging for years. I’m not sure if you’d call what I’ve done or have been doing successful or not, when it comes to blogging and other areas… Continue reading From the Vault: Everything Old Is New Again

From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

Watching Gurren-Hen last night, I come back to the reasons why I fell in love with Gurren Lagann in the first place. I want to revisit that. Courtesy Rabbitpoets, will credit original artist! When I encounter a new story that I find myself enjoying thoroughly, there’s a part of me that can’t just leave it… Continue reading From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

From The Vault: An (Old) Writerly Rant

It’s been two years since I first went off on this particular rant. I’ve updated some text accordingly. “[A] writing career is about putting a bucket on your head and trying to knock down a brick wall. It’s either you or the wall.” ~Chuck Wendig Reality’s a stone-cold bitch. That’s why I mostly write fiction.… Continue reading From The Vault: An (Old) Writerly Rant

Throwback Thursday: The Fine Art of Selling Yourself

Technically, this is a From the Vault entry. But it’s Thursday! So let’s call it Throwback Thursday instead, just to mix things up. I’ve been running this blog for over five years now. This is an entry from the very early days. Enjoy! So you’ve written the next great American novel, or at least a… Continue reading Throwback Thursday: The Fine Art of Selling Yourself

From the Vault: What We Leave Behind

Still recovering from my recent travels – in a way, it feels like I’m shaking off the vestiges of sleep and wondering if it was a dream. Anyway, here’s a dip into the past while I work on catching up. Nothing lasts forever. It’s a narrative thread woven through many, many stories we tell. Ozymandias… Continue reading From the Vault: What We Leave Behind

From the Vault: The Video Game Singularity

I’m on my way to Boston for PAX East this morning. While I make my way through several states on what are certain to be lovely roads, have a look at my thoughts on the lines between video game developers and video game players, and what might happen if they get blurred. I feel we… Continue reading From the Vault: The Video Game Singularity

From the Vault: Gratuitous Failure, 80s Style

You know it’s a rough day when a post doesn’t go up until the evening. Oof. Anyway, here’s a bit I wrote about failure. Probably appropriate! My actual review of Hotline Miami can be found here. I’ve been writing a lot about failure lately. This is partially because I believe that we do learn more… Continue reading From the Vault: Gratuitous Failure, 80s Style