From the Vault: Theorycrafting

I am giving some serious thought to jumping back into the mix of tactical planning, visceral satisfaction, and utter frustration that is League of Legends. To that end, and since I’m not quite back on the review train yet, here’s a relevant post from back in the day that reflects what I’m doing now: planning… Continue reading From the Vault: Theorycrafting

From the Vault: "What do you mean, I'm doing it wrong?"

Still on the hunt for a dayjob, still struggling day to day, and still encountering more failures than successes. In light of that, here’s a post from 5 years ago about dealing with failure. Human beings, being mortal creatures, are bound to mess things up sooner or later. This is true in every endeavor an… Continue reading From the Vault: "What do you mean, I'm doing it wrong?"

From The Vault: PT: Handling Rejection

This is as relevant today as it was five years ago. Also, I’ve been running this blog for over five years. Yikes. Maybe you got a letter. It could be something you received electronically. One way or another, a submission or entry upon which you’ve spent time and energy has been rejected. Now, I’m not… Continue reading From The Vault: PT: Handling Rejection

From The Vault: Why Take This Matters

I’m still shaking off the doldrums and getting myself back on track. While I make more steps towards that, please feel free to read over this post about one of the best initiatives I’ve ever had the pleasure of helping with, even as a source of moral and financial support. It’s important. It’s dangerous to… Continue reading From The Vault: Why Take This Matters

From the Vault: How to Survive Living with a Writer

For the benefit of my new flatmates, here are some tips on living with a writer! Courtesy Floating Robes One of the most popular posts ever over at terribleminds is this one, entitled “Beware of Writer.” He also penned a sequel that’s just as worthwhile to read. But let’s say you’ve ignored his advice. You’re… Continue reading From the Vault: How to Survive Living with a Writer

From the Vault: The Limitless Genre

With the smashing success of Guardians of the Galaxy, let’s take another look at what can be done within sci-fi. If you step away from science fiction, you may see a tendency among its writers and creators to divide it up into different sub-genres. Time travel is practically its own sort of story, as is… Continue reading From the Vault: The Limitless Genre

From The Vault: The "Real Game" Has Begun

Life’s upheaval shows no sign of really ending, but there are lulls in the quakes. In some of them I’ve started inching back towards Azeroth. I suspect I’ll still be doing a lot of the things listed below, so here’s my take on the end-game content in the game’s current iteration. A surprisingly provincial addition… Continue reading From The Vault: The "Real Game" Has Begun