500 Words on America

This year, July the 4th happens to fall on a Friday. In previous years, I’ve written and reposted a rather long list of observations I’ve made as an American, from the inside looking out, about this country. Unfortunately, I can’t say things have changed all that much. Don’t misunderstand – progress has been made. More… Continue reading 500 Words on America

500 Words on Momentum

With everything that’s been happening, I am more and more aware that it can be extremely difficult to maintain a consistent pace. From running to writing to preparing for life’s next adventure, things seem to be happening in short, irregular bursts, rather than unfolding according to any sort of plan. I keep telling myself that… Continue reading 500 Words on Momentum

500 Words on D-Day

“They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt, radio broadcast, June 6, 1944 The boat’s probably sprung a leak or two. The seas are choppy. Hardened men and new recruits alike are trying very hard to keep their breakfasts down. Weapons… Continue reading 500 Words on D-Day

500 Words on Vera

I named my car Vera. I think it was almost 5 years ago that my old car had a close encounter of the highway divider kind. I picked up a black Honda Civic coupe from a company called CarSense, and she already had a custom exhaust and great pick-up. Considering she was the very best… Continue reading 500 Words on Vera