500 Words on Redemption

The premise for this post began thusly: “Everybody loves a redemption story.” This is something that has been said to me, and about me, in the past. And there are a lot of stories on the subject out there. We want to believe that the people we love, and by extension ourselves, are people that… Continue reading 500 Words on Redemption

500 Words on Entitlement

Here’s a simple question: what do you feel you are owed? If you put in hours and hours of your time at a job, you are owed compensation for that time, right? That’s how jobs work. If your employer says they don’t owe you anything, you have rights. You can sue their asses. You earned… Continue reading 500 Words on Entitlement

500 Words on Happiness

HOLY SHIT IT’S A NEW BLOG POST I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much time I’ve lost, or has been stolen from me, because I’ve been unhappy. Unhappily married, unhappily employed, unhappily living. As human beings, nobody would choose to be unhappy, save for the willfully masochistic, and I’m not one of them.… Continue reading 500 Words on Happiness

500 Words on Outrage

Between the political landscape and my personal situation, it’s very tempting to just type out the word “AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH” 500 times and be done with it. It’s also tempting to just fire up a video game and try to forget about the things that are taking up space in my brain and making me froth at… Continue reading 500 Words on Outrage

500 Words on Refocusing

You may notice that things look a little different here. A bit more fantastical. More dragons. Maybe the implication of a dungeon. It’s not an illusion. I’m refocusing my endeavors outside of the job hunt on D&D. I’m still carving out time for the novel, as head weasels and real-world obligations allow. I’m still on… Continue reading 500 Words on Refocusing

500 Words on John McCain

This has been quite a week in the United States as far as politics is concerned. Let’s leave aside the three-ring circus shit-show that is the Executive Branch, from its stereotypical 80’s Wall Street douchebag communications director to the systematic self-destruction of the egotistical compromised blowhard supposedly running things. I want to talk about the… Continue reading 500 Words on John McCain