[audio:] If one were to look up ‘charming’ in the dictionary, the definition would read something like this: 1. pleasing; delightful. 2. using charm; exercising magic power. Of course, that’s an English dictionary. If one were to look up ‘charming’ in a French dictionary, I imagine you would likely see a picture of Audrey Tautou… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Amélie

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

[audio:] Ever since I introduced the poll that lets fine people like you chime in on which movie gets ‘the treatment’ every week, one film has consistently and patiently waited its turn. I knew of its existence, heard it was extremely well-done and of interest for many reasons, including the fact it’s an adaptation of… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo