IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds

[audio:] The 2010 Academy Awards are a fading memory. By now most of the Internet has moved on to more interesting things, like porn stars playing D&D. However, if I might indulge your attention for a few minutes, I’d like to discuss one of the films that was in contention for best of the year.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Inglorious Basterds


This week’s IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! brought to you by a generous donation by Amanda d’Adesky. Thank you for your support! [audio:] Jumper is an existential treatise on the nature of the conjectural power of teleportation. The schizophrenic, random nature of the story is paired with a tendency towards awkward shot composition, layered with somewhat… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Jumper

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

[audio:] Currently, the prevailing definition of the word “gamer” is “someone who plays video games.” However, the label has an older connotation. For years, gamers were people who populated the tables of college dorm basements, comic store back rooms and Mom’s dining room, one of them hunched behind a screen describing unspeakable horrors while the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

Movies in 15 Minutes

Okay, ignore Vader in this one. I want to talk about Cleolinda‘s Movies in 15 Minutes. Here goes. *ahem* GO READ IT. Seriously. Why are you still here? I have nothing to say today. I have a complete and total lack of energy and the day’s not at all gone well. So go read something… Continue reading Movies in 15 Minutes

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers

[audio:] I’m not going to mince words. Robert Heinlein is the reason I got interested in writing fiction. Granted, it was his novel The Cat Who Walks Through Walls that started the wheels turning in my head, but Starship Troopers was also evocative and fascinating to the nascent mind of this young writer twenty years… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers


[audio:] FLASH! AH-AHHHHH! Savior of the universe! If there’s a song that better encapsulates both the plot and mood of a film, I’ve yet to hear it. Flash Gordon is based upon two things: a science fiction comic strip, and the 1930’s adventure film serial starring Buster Crabbe. Long before the likes of Star Trek:… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Flash Gordon