Recommend Some Fantasy

So with Citizen in the Wilds now in the revision process, I thought it might behoove me to take a look at some other fantasy literature, maybe examine what works and what doesn’t. Since most of what I’m doing involves the defiance of most fantasy conventions, I’m curious if anything I’m aiming at hasn’t already… Continue reading Recommend Some Fantasy

On Speculative Fiction

At this past weekend’s Philadelphia Writer’s Conference, I described myself as primarily a writer of ‘speculative fiction’. A few people asked me what I meant. There are some stereotypes that I think are assigned to areas of speculative fiction I’d like to dispel, and more depth in those stories when they’re done well than some… Continue reading On Speculative Fiction

The Underlying Theme

Courtesy Terribleminds, make with the clicky-clickly I think I was consciously putting this off. Not because the idea of establishing a theme for the novel is disinteresting to me, no. I just didn’t want to define a theme and then get preachy about it. I don’t want this to be the kind of story where… Continue reading The Underlying Theme


[audio:] Some of the best stories out there are simple stories that are well-told. A straightforward plot doesn’t necessarily make for a bad escapist experience, if there are elements of that plot that transcend its simplicity. Take District 9, for example. Aliens come to Earth in bad shape and they’re exploited by corporate douchebags. Simple,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Avatar

Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

While I’m busy moving myself and my Canadian half into our swank new Lansdale pad, here are some thoughts I’ve had recently concerning what was lately called “The Project”. I’d originally planned this out as a trilogy of stories to introduce the world, build up some of its history and cultures, and do my utmost… Continue reading Cycles, Trilogies & Other Fancy Words For 'Series'

What's In A Title?

So. The Project. Nice and enigmatic, but I doubt people will be flocking to Amazon to download it to their Kindles. Mrs. Alchemist keeps asking me why I haven’t given it a real title. Honestly, it’s because I can’t pick one. What we have here is a story with a fantasy setting. The protagonist, Asherian,… Continue reading What's In A Title?