Honor & Blood, VIII: Victor

Please note: All characters, locations and events are copyright George RR Martin and the events that take place during this tale can and will deviate from series canon. The Story So Far: Victor Luxon has completed his task of returning heirloom blades to the great Houses of Westeros. He and his household make for their… Continue reading Honor & Blood, VIII: Victor

500 Words on World-Building

I’m very much looking forward to introducing more people to Dungeons & Dragons. The published materials for that purpose within the Starter Set are quite fine, but even moreso than the content within the books, I appreciate the flexibility of it. It’s been a while since I’ve put together a world into which others will… Continue reading 500 Words on World-Building

Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2

This week’s Flash Fiction challenge over at Terribleminds is to write the second part of a four-part story started by someone else. I picked “Sorceress of Flame” by Toni J, whose site you should definitely check out. — Part 1, by Toni J — The magic in dragonflame lingered long after any heat had died… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2

Flash Fiction: The Wandering Sage

The random fantasy character concept generator at the crux of this week’s Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge gave me, among others, “a foul-mouthed sage is searching for a legendary weapon.” “If this infernal heat doesn’t kill me,” Balthazar growled, “I’m sure the desert would love to fill my lungs with sand.” “Why would the Equalizer be… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Wandering Sage

Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

In response to being asked to generate a random sentence. This child farms. She knows that it is work mostly done by boys. It is hard, long, muscle-snapping, back-breaking work, from sun-up until sun-down. Tools large and small are used to till the fields, harvest the grain, milk some animals, slaughter others. This child does… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Farmer's Child

Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a far more filmable piece of work than his larger work, The Lord of the Rings. It has a more simple narrative, its plot is contained to one volume, and its themes remain focused on the character of Bilbo Baggins and how he deals with his adventures. Yet, according… Continue reading Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Art by ~boudicca Chuck wanted a war on Christmas. Be careful what you wish for. They come, on both sides, from tales of old. From the frozen wastes yet untouched by man, from crevasses and shadows and hidden places too fearsome for even the most brave and the most crazed, from realms and holes and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate

Participating in the Terribleminds Second Game of Aspects. One hundred and fifty years of spaceflight innovation, and it’s still a pain in the ass to get a decent meal. Commander Ellington grumbled softly as he pulled himself towards the galley. He remembered times back home when just a whiff of his mother’s home cooking would… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Outermost Gate