
“No. I’m not taking another step until Justice lets Anders out to play.” There are some marketing decisions I’ll never understand. Fast food chains showing a split-second of something from a moderately-trending YouTube clip. Ads and reviewers pretending that adding a third visual dimension to one-dimensional stories or characters is worth the investment. Concealing lack… Continue reading Sequelitis

Return to Thedas

Son? You’re never going to be king unless you sack up. Due to the fickle nature of aging hard drives, I’m playing Dragon Age: Origins again, in an attempt to reconstruct the history lost before firing up Dragon Age II. I know I can choose from one of the pre-determined backgrounds BioWare included in their… Continue reading Return to Thedas

Game Review: Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening

This review contains spoilers. Fairly be ye warned. This is a review that’s admittedly been a very long time coming. My experience with Dragon Age: Origins, from my initial enthusiasm to my gripes about bugs and length, is pretty well documented. I picked up the expansion, Awakening in lieu of playing through the base game… Continue reading Game Review: Dragon Age: Origins: Awakening

Replay Value

So, in spite of some of the less than charitable things I’ve said about Dragon Age: Origins, I’m playing it again. And I know it won’t be the last time. My wife and I like to discuss different things we like about the game, other ways we plan on playing it, and even toss dialog… Continue reading Replay Value

One At A Time

I hate Dragon Age: Origins right now. There’s apparently a memory leak in the PC version of the game that causes load times to last longer and longer the more you play it. If you play for, say, an hour, you might not notice. But in my fervor to finish my first play-through I spent… Continue reading One At A Time