Didn’t really feel like grabbing a new image since I’m feeling a bit lethargic, so have some Guardians of the Galaxy goodness instead. So yeah. TONS of comics. I remember the first couple of times I sort of swung by a comic book store on Free Comic Book Day, and picked up a Keenspot anthology… Continue reading Free Comic Book Day
Tag: Comics
A Complete Lack of Bawls
Busy day so far. Today’s Free Comic Book Day and holy crap are there a lot of free comics to be had. I’ve only managed to get through about ten of the thirty-odd offerings I plucked from the shelves of Cyborg One in Doylestown late this morning. Once I finish them all some time tomorrow… Continue reading A Complete Lack of Bawls
Let's Talk Avengers
Iron Man 2 is right around the corner, promising more lead-ins for the upcoming Avengers titles and the eventual movie that’ll draw them all together. I know MovieBob has already discussed the subject, but here’s my brief and nerdy pair of cents on the subject. The Incredible Hulk Say what you like about Ang Lee’s… Continue reading Let's Talk Avengers
Why Iron Man Works
So I don’t know about you folks out there in the dark depths of the Interwebs, but I’m very excited about Iron Man 2 coming out in May. We’re thankfully living in a time when comic book adaptation films have emerged from the dark miasma of the previous attempts at Captain America and Spawn. But… Continue reading Why Iron Man Works
IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Batman: Arkham Asylum was released for major consoles last week, and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Even Yahtzee had quite a few things to say in favor of the game’s merit. I played the demo on my X-Box and enjoyed it thoroughly, and I’m sure the full game would be just as good if… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Movie Review: Watchmen
Considering how tight money is for me at the moment, I neither bought new comics today nor the Director’s Cut of Watchmen last night. However, from the annuls of my LiveJournal, I’ve plucked the review of the film and am reposting it with a couple revisions to clear up some confusion. So, without further ado,
Dark X-Men
The Dark Reign event is in full swing over at Marvel. In the wake of the brutal Skrull Invasion, Normal Osborn (aka the Green Goblin) of all people has taken hold of the planet. Tony Stark is on the run, deleting the sensitive information he collected as head of SHIELD from his brain one neuron… Continue reading Dark X-Men
Iron Bats
The real world is a chaotic and disheartening place. Once again a steady stream of work has kept me from being able to get my thoughts out as expediently as I would like. The major flaw in establishing a schedule is the feeling one gets when falling behind. However, rather than allowing that feeling to… Continue reading Iron Bats
Guardians of the Galaxy
I ended up being pretty pressed for time at work today, so instead of tackling two of my current favorite titles from Marvel, I’ll focus on just the one. Guardians of the Galaxy starts up in the wake of the Annihilation event, which introduced older characters from outside of Earth in the Marvel universe (the… Continue reading Guardians of the Galaxy
What About Bucky?
It’s been announced that Captain America is coming back. For a while, the former sidekick of the original Cap, Bucky Barnes, has been wearing the blue and wielding the shield, carrying on Cap’s legacy the best way he knows how. It’s meant carrying a gun, because that’s how he operates, but he’s still standing up… Continue reading What About Bucky?