Game Review: Portal

Aperture Science Forms FORM-27991563-888: Testchamber Facility After-Action Report Per your instructions, I have begun to compile the observed and recorded data recovered following the successful completion of testing executed for and by test subject code-named “Chell.” While the repairs to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center may take some time, it is with the utmost… Continue reading Game Review: Portal

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

[audio:] Currently, the prevailing definition of the word “gamer” is “someone who plays video games.” However, the label has an older connotation. For years, gamers were people who populated the tables of college dorm basements, comic store back rooms and Mom’s dining room, one of them hunched behind a screen describing unspeakable horrors while the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising


[audio:] I’m going to begin with a confession. This is not the sort of movie that finds its way onto my Netflix queue. However, when I find myself at my parents’ house for the holidays, I tend to be more at the mercy of what’s on their big-screen TV. The House Bunny ended up being… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The House Bunny


[audio:] I’ve stated in some previous reviews that Jason Statham is a badass. I’ve also mentioned him in his work with Guy Ritchie, of which Snatch is the prime example. It’s also arguably Ritchie’s best film to date, often compared to Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels the way Pulp Fiction is compared to Reservoir… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Snatch.

Desert Bus '09

If you click on the above image, you will be transported to the wonder of this year’s Desert Bus event. What is the Desert Bus event, you ask? The gamer-loving folks from LoadingReadyRun have established a yearly event for the Child’s Play charity by playing a game in a marathon style. They’ve chosen the timeless,… Continue reading Desert Bus '09


Not all films age well. Some become trite or campy with the passage of time. Others, however, remain timeless in one way or another. Things that keep a film fresh include memorable characters, smart writing and excellent direction. Zero Effect has all three, and is also one of the most quirky and unique detective stories… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Zero Effect

Movie Review: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

Cast: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria, Owen Wilson, Christopher Guest, Bill Hader, Ricky Gervais and Robin Williams. Stuff I Didn’t Like: Pretty much every aspect of the film is blown out of proportion and played for laughs. It’s predictable given the nature of this movie, but it gets tiresome after a while. Bill Hader… Continue reading Movie Review: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian