So This Is Christmas

Hanukkah has come and gone, Christmas is right around the corner, and Kwanzaa begins right after that. We’re in the thick of what’s colloquially known as ‘the holiday season’. This is a time of warm wishes and good cheer. I certainly hope you have both of those. Me, I’m struggling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m… Continue reading So This Is Christmas

Christmas Wishes

Whatever walk of faith you might be on (if any) Whatever wish you have for this season (if any) No matter where you go Or who you are with I pray for you to be happy I pray for you to be at peace I pray for you to know great love And I pray… Continue reading Christmas Wishes

Off To The North

No, not THAT North. With some incoming weather threatening to dump snow on a great deal of the eastern seaboard, the timetable of my vacation has moved up somewhat. I am leaving this morning for Canada, to spend the holidays with my in-laws. Hopefully this time I won’t need the help of a tow truck… Continue reading Off To The North

Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Art by ~boudicca Chuck wanted a war on Christmas. Be careful what you wish for. They come, on both sides, from tales of old. From the frozen wastes yet untouched by man, from crevasses and shadows and hidden places too fearsome for even the most brave and the most crazed, from realms and holes and… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The War On Christmas

Holiday Wishes

Saw this floating around Facebook, thought it was worth sharing with everybody. Merry Christmas! Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.