The Legacy of Magic

Art by Greg Staples I’ve been playing Magic: the Gathering off and on since I was introduced to it in high school almost 20 years ago. Quite a few things have changed in the game since then, but nothing in the game has changed so dramatically that the old cards are strictly unplayable. In fact,… Continue reading The Legacy of Magic

FNM: One More Time

Return to Ravnica is right around the corner. And when it comes, I will be wearing the blue and red of Izzet with pride. I have at least one Standard deck planned, and the guild is looking strong in Limited formats as well. On top of that, I’m planning on dipping my toe into Legacy… Continue reading FNM: One More Time

Why Izzet?

Ravnica is one of my favorite blocks in Magic: the Gathering‘s history. It provided a flavorful plane with lots of versatile deck ideas and all sorts of interesting guilds based on pairings of colors. So when Return to Ravnica was announced at PAX East, I pretty much lost my face. With the spoilers we’ve been… Continue reading Why Izzet?

Walking Synergy

I need to stop taking such long pauses between Friday Night Magic bouts. I mean, I can’t help it with the family reunion coming up next week, but if I’m not careful, some of my best cards will rotate out with the advent of Return to Ravnica in October! And we certainly can’t have that.… Continue reading Walking Synergy

Unlikely Allies

It was with a heavy heart that I decided to retire my House of Markov deck. It simply wasn’t performing up to my standards. There wasn’t much good news following the Avacyn Restored release events, either. My notion for a white-green Humans deck had little to distinguish it or make it truly competitive, and other… Continue reading Unlikely Allies

Restoring Avacyn

When it comes to Magic: the Gathering, my primary hangouts in terms of color are blue and white. Blue, because the mind is a powerful tool in general and usually pretty flexible in the game & its planes in particular; and white, because I’m one of those incurable optimists who believes light can triumph over… Continue reading Restoring Avacyn

Doing Bad Things at FNM

Haters, etc. I haven’t been playing a great deal of Magic lately, due to various reasons, but I recently returned to Friday Night Magic armed with a new deck. As much as my previous FNM decks seemed interesting to me, neither of them had a great deal of oomph. It was difficult for them to… Continue reading Doing Bad Things at FNM