Change is Coming

Change is never easy. But it is necessary. Growth and change are what make us alive. They are dynamic elements to existence; without them, we stagnate and remain static, which to me is worse than death. I’ve been meaning to make some changes to this webspace for a while, now, and I think the time… Continue reading Change is Coming

New Year's Changes

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted lists of resolutions or any of the other traditional things that ring in the new year. You may have also noticed that I’m having a bit of a struggle maintaining the old schedule I used to have of what gets posted when. There are reasons for both… Continue reading New Year's Changes

Technology Rots

Technology may seem like a purely static thing, unchanging as years go by. Something that’s painstakingly perfected and replicated through manufacture should persist in its level of performance and precision, right? Unlike houses and cars, which are some of the highest maintenance bits of property anyone can own, computers are completely self-contained electronic instruments. Websites… Continue reading Technology Rots

Five Hundred

Today marks the 500th post on Blue Ink Alchemy. I thought it might be fun to take a peek at the last few round-number milestones, just to see how far we’ve come. Oddly, two of the four hundred-level posts have to do with Maschine Zeit. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Post 100: Consistent Characters… Continue reading Five Hundred