The Art of Thor: Build to Attack

You don’t build stuff like this just because it looks cool. There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare. It’s tempting to get ahead of ourselves. It’s why folks rack up debt. In the context of StarCraft 2, though, you may begin to think that what you’re doing in the process of… Continue reading The Art of Thor: Build to Attack

An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment

*sniff* Dear Blizzard Entertainment, I’ve been a fan of your work since the days of Warcraft 2. I’ve played games in all three of your major IPs and enjoyed every one. I’ve begun playing StarCraft 2 in a competitive sense (even though I suck) and I’ve watched the development of Diablo 3 with interest. However,… Continue reading An Open Letter to Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Thor: Don't Panic!

Choose your moves carefully. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. It’s difficult not to panic when you’re being shot at. It may seem an obvious statement, and I don’t wish to downplay the severity of real-world situations in… Continue reading The Art of Thor: Don't Panic!

The Art of Thor: Spend, Spend, Spend

Somebody’s gotta feed these boys before they go out fightin’, and that somebody is you. Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been associated with long delays. You don’t get bonus points for unspent resources at the end of a match. It’s a concept that can be difficult for… Continue reading The Art of Thor: Spend, Spend, Spend

The Hunter in Cataclysm: Nerf Woes

Taking aim on your favorite class Every so often, Blizzard patches World of Warcraft. With dozens of dungeons, ten distinct classes and millions of players, a balancing act is inevitable. When new expansions happen, talent and gear combinations can lead to unforseen consequences, and Blizzard makes it a point not to see one class outstrip… Continue reading The Hunter in Cataclysm: Nerf Woes