The Kerrigan Question

“Girls don’t belong in games/movies!” This is the cry of “men’s rights activists” who point to things like Rogue One and female gamers & game journalists (Susan Arendt, IRL Jasmine, etc). “What about Sarah Kerrigan?” I suspect I’d mostly get blank stares. Maybe a bit of drool. Here’s the background: Sarah Kerrigan is a major… Continue reading The Kerrigan Question

Game Review: Hearthstone

One of the things Blizzard Entertainment does very well is presentation. World of Warcraft‘s visual style has aged rather gracefully, StarCraft 2 has remained consistent in its high-quality art and sound assets (if not necessarily the stories it is telling), and the technical alpha for Heroes of the Storm looks and sounds impressive, from everything… Continue reading Game Review: Hearthstone

Don't Call It A Comeback

Probes aren’t just adorable – they’re essential. There are really only two games I’d consider playing competitively on a regular basis. I don’t think I have the skills to play a first-person shooter anything but casually in multiplayer, and while I used to play CounterStrike in university, I can’t see myself devoting the time necessary… Continue reading Don't Call It A Comeback

The Call of Diablo

It’s been a week now, and so far I’ve resisted the call of Diablo. Diablo III continues to make headlines, and not always in a positive way. I’ve been trying to curb my extraneous spending a bit since PAX, both to recover from that phenomenal trip and to save for the upcoming move. But I… Continue reading The Call of Diablo


Another season has begun in the universe of StarCraft 2. And where does it find me? Yep. Bottom rung. Nothing’s really changed. Or has it? With the new job settling into a rhythm that I can cope with, I’m starting to plan more and stress less (at least a bit). Into those plans I’m trying… Continue reading Terribronze