The Need To Break Through

break·​through | \ ˈbrāk-ˌthrü \ 3a: a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique The Merriam-Webster Dictionary We all have obstacles between where we are, and where we need to be. Notice that I used need, as opposed to want. For the purposes of this discussion, I’m talking about our mental and emotional states. What we need in order to… Continue reading The Need To Break Through

The Importance of Being Honest

Let me kick this off with some honesty: I still maintain standards for myself that are, at times, unrealistic or too exacting. When I expect myself to be flawless in my Magic gameplay, or further along in my personal goals than is realistic, I will still get incredibly frustrated with myself. It can shift those… Continue reading The Importance of Being Honest

The Challenge of New Choices

There are some things in our lives that we don’t get to choose. I didn’t choose to be born bipolar or bisexual. People close to me didn’t choose how they were born, either. Naturally, others will treat those things as if they are choices, saying things like “just try being the gender you were born… Continue reading The Challenge of New Choices

500 Words on Communication

We humans are social creatures. We make connections with one another, and maintaining those connections requires communication. We’ve done it through letters (and honestly, I should write more letters), telegrams, telephones, and now the Internet. But throughout all of the iterations of our communication means, one fact has remained the same: it’s a two-way street.… Continue reading 500 Words on Communication