Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

From the Terribleminds challenge “Last Lines First” comes… “Truth be told, I’m not sure any of them are actually dead.” The mug of coffee shook in the engineer’s hands. The nails were chipped and the fingers calloused from years of cleaning, changing, tightening, and banging the many moving parts required for jump drives. The man… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Bump In The Night Raven

Flash Fiction: The Crash

Since this week’s Flash Fiction Challenge was nothing but a title, I turned to my Brainstormer, which selected “Prey to misfortune”, “alien”, and “crossbow”. As she came to, past the throbbing pain in her cranial cravity, she tried to assess her situtation. The crash had clearly ruined the environmental systems, given the hissing noise above… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Crash

Early Adoption, Preorders, and the PS4

Courtesy The Escapist Last night saw the big announcement and unveiling of Sony’s next generation of console, the PlayStation 4. Actually, ‘unveiling’ is a misnomer, as the console itself was a no-show. The crowd in the room and people who managed to watch the stream got a whole bunch of specs for the new device,… Continue reading Early Adoption, Preorders, and the PS4

Movie Review: Prometheus

I liked the first two Alien movies, and would happily watch either one again given the chance. I’m also a fan of Ridley Scott’s work in general, especially his Director’s Cuts. Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, and Charlize Theron are some of my favorite actors working today. And science fiction is pet genre of… Continue reading Movie Review: Prometheus

Shifting Tone

I was bantering with some friends recently about True Blood, and how this season feels different from the previous one. There is a lot more emphasis on vampire political and para-military shenanigans, and less on messy or convoluted love triangles. It’s a shift in tone that, personally, I am 100% behind, and it makes me… Continue reading Shifting Tone

Ghoulish Games III: X-Com UFO Defense

The first game I discussed for this holiday dealt with the experience on a personal level, free of monsters. The second focused on a particular monster. Now, let’s talk about an overall game that actually captures an atmosphere of dread. The situation in X-Com: UFO Defense is as follows: Aliens are attacking human cities. They… Continue reading Ghoulish Games III: X-Com UFO Defense