Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

As we recover from the recent stress of moving, the dayjob workload ramps up, and everything else competes for what attention I have left, it can be difficult to keep in mind that writing can and should be the foremost area of my interests. I don’t attend university for 4 years to design advertisements, after… Continue reading Writer Report: The Inevitable Grind

Writer Report: Moving Forward

Cold Streets is a slow burner. By that, I mean it’s taking me a while to really get set on fire over it. I’m working on it, and I like what’s happening so far, I just haven’t carved out a great deal of time lately to put more words in sequence. I have a move… Continue reading Writer Report: Moving Forward

Rewrite Report: Elves & Dwarves

At time of writing, the rewrite of Citizen in the Wilds stands at 50,230 spanning 17 chapters. I’m roughly more than halfway done. In addition to completely reworking the opening so it doesn’t suck, I decided it would behoove me to move some of the folks in the story away from traditional interpretations of fantasy… Continue reading Rewrite Report: Elves & Dwarves

The Right Person

One of the concerns I have about my major rewrite is the person. Not the person of the protagonist himself, mind you. He’s (probably) fine. It’s the perspective that bothers me. You see, I wrote Citizen in the Wilds from third-person perspective to avoid pouring myself too much into the protagonist. I may be overly… Continue reading The Right Person

A Writer's To-Do List

So last week’s ICFN was delayed. It’s still on hold. I’m waiting to hear back from third parties that were interested in conveying it to a different format. Awaiting correspondence always makes days or weekends feel longer, from responses to job postings to queries about Magic trades. But while I was waiting I took a… Continue reading A Writer's To-Do List

The Query's The Thing

I’ve discussed querying in the past, and I’ve also mentioned the manuscript-mincing site Query Shark. Since I’m back at the point of sending out queries to agent, I think it’s worth reheating the subject. Query letters are at once the most straightforward and the most complex thing a novelist can write. It’s straightforward in its… Continue reading The Query's The Thing