The Kerrigan Question

“Girls don’t belong in games/movies!” This is the cry of “men’s rights activists” who point to things like Rogue One and female gamers & game journalists (Susan Arendt, IRL Jasmine, etc). “What about Sarah Kerrigan?” I suspect I’d mostly get blank stares. Maybe a bit of drool. Here’s the background: Sarah Kerrigan is a major… Continue reading The Kerrigan Question

Return Of The Code

For years, I made a decent living in a dayjob writing code for an ad agency back east. Well, I say “writing code”, but that was only part of my job. I also had to do some fine-tuning of visual design elements and animations, which unfortunately is not one of my strengths. It’s a skill… Continue reading Return Of The Code

Bullied for Burying My Beak in a Book

I grew up in the days before Harry Potter, but in retrospect, I’ve been a Ravenclaw pretty much from the get-go. I learned to read at a very young age, by all accounts, and was deep into the likes of Tom Swift and Choose Your Own Adventure by the time elementary school rolled around. I… Continue reading Bullied for Burying My Beak in a Book

Doctor Strange Is My Hero

I’m going to take a break from pontificating on our current crisis and the implications of the resurrection of ultra-nationalism to talk about a comic book wizard. Because it’s a form of self-care and it’s something that tickles the cockles of my imagination. I used to do reviews on a fairly regular basis, and while… Continue reading Doctor Strange Is My Hero

My Country In Wartime

I have felt this atmosphere in my country before. In the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, there was a palpable aura around the people who walked to and fro, doing their best to go about their daily lives. We fought back against a paralysis so gripping, it threatened to… Continue reading My Country In Wartime