Reignition, Part 2

Art courtesy Xoaba [spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Previously… Dominarian taverns always felt like home,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 2

Thine Own Self

In Hamlet, Polonius is a bit of a pompous windbag. Nobody really minds when he dies (spoilers) though the ramifications of that murder kind of tip things into the downhill spiral of death and despair that defines the climax of the tragedy. But before he reaches his stabbity end, he does utter one bit of… Continue reading Thine Own Self

Reignition, Part 1

[spoiler effect=”blind” show=”Disclaimer” hide=”Close”] The following is a non-profit work of fan-fiction. Magic: the Gathering and its attendant characters, locations, terminology, and events are owned by Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield, Mark Rosewater, et al. All rights reserved. Please support the official release. [/spoiler] Hundreds of years invested in study and spellcraft, and yet,… Continue reading Reignition, Part 1

500 Words on 2016

Let me say this first: the marking of days, months, and years is no more or less arbitrary than marking distance. The road is the road, and the milestones along it do not change it; it is how we measure the distance we’ve covered in our journey, and what lays ahead for us. How we… Continue reading 500 Words on 2016