Flash Fiction: The Android and the Wondering Chamber

I must say this one owes as much to The Protomen as it does to Chuck Wendig. The noticed android walks past a wondering chamber. It’s unclear when wondering chambers came into being. Their use has become so pervasive that record maintenance had fallen by the wayside some time ago. Low energy usage coupled with… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Android and the Wondering Chamber

That Darn Cat

Meet Spark. Spark is a cat I adopted a few years ago when I moved out of my parents’ house. Living on my own proved to be a bit lonely, and I knew a friend who had been made aware of a cat coming from a broken home. The poor guy had been between a… Continue reading That Darn Cat

Shifting Tone

I was bantering with some friends recently about True Blood, and how this season feels different from the previous one. There is a lot more emphasis on vampire political and para-military shenanigans, and less on messy or convoluted love triangles. It’s a shift in tone that, personally, I am 100% behind, and it makes me… Continue reading Shifting Tone

Flash Fiction: The Red Hood

For Chuck’s flash fiction challenge, Fairy Tale Upgrade. Grandmother’s house was deep in the forest on the edge of a lake. At her top speed, it took the Red Hood less than a minute to fly there from the city. She did a circuit around the lake, peering into the trees. She didn’t have any… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Red Hood

Writer Report: Traction

Starting a brand new story is proving more difficult than I thought. I’ve tried to start Captain Pendragon and the Planet of Doom twice, now, and I’m struggling, likely because there’s a part of me that knows this sort of thing has been done before. I’m trying to shake off the negativity and nay-saying, and… Continue reading Writer Report: Traction

Execution by Plot

If you want a surefire way to kill your story and slay any interest a potential reader will have in it, let the plot drive. Looking back on some of the books I’ve read in my formative years, a host of franchised novels many of which I’m likely to donate to a library when I… Continue reading Execution by Plot