Flash Fiction: The Cave At The Bottom Of The Sea

What follows is my contribution to The Cooperative Cliffhanger, Part One, over at Terribleminds. She was pushing herself through the third squeeze she’d found when she heard his voice again. “Your heart rate is elevated, Doctor Simmons. Everything okay?” Simmons sighed. “I’m starting to regret letting the med-techs wire me up. Other than that, it’s… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Cave At The Bottom Of The Sea

One Of Those Weekends

As the saying goes: Well, that escalated quickly. Due to all sorts of things coming up over the course of the weekend, I did not have nearly enough time this past weekend for editing Cold Streets, writing this week’s flash fiction, or hammering out the world/character bible for Godslayer. Needless to say, there is a… Continue reading One Of Those Weekends

Writer Report: Hard Part's Over

Courtesy Floating Robes Cold Streets is done. Well, the first draft is done, anyway. The sequel to Cold Iron (which, as a friendly reminder, you can buy here or here) was born out of a desire to lay a foundation for future, full-length projects. Once I take up the editing hat and really get down… Continue reading Writer Report: Hard Part's Over

One Day More

Writing, like any skill, needs to be practiced in order to maintain a certain level of competence. The nibs of pens and points of pencils must be sharpened. For me, writing flash fiction every week is how I got about doing that. Having to come up with a thousand words with a simple prompt keeps… Continue reading One Day More

The Meta-game

If you’ve thrown polyhedral dice to slay monsters around a table with friends in a role-playing game, chances are you’re familiar with the term “meta-gaming”. It means using knowledge from outside of the game to benefit you or justify a decision. If your character is a pilgrim from the backwoods who’s never seen a city,… Continue reading The Meta-game