Brick & Mortar Questions

I’ve heard it said several times that brick and mortar bookstores are going the way of the dodo. And for a similar reason, as well: we’re killing them. Now, I don’t think that every single Barnes & Noble is going to lock its doors and shutter its windows tomorrow. I think brick and mortar stores… Continue reading Brick & Mortar Questions

Categorized as Writing

Writer Report: Looming Quarter

Much like some malevolent giant peering over the wall of a nearly defenseless settlement, the dreaded Q4 is upon me at the dayjob. Expectations are high. Work is sure to come fast and furious (and without the benefits of Michelle Rodriguez or Jordana Brewster). I’m going to have to take extra steps to stay on… Continue reading Writer Report: Looming Quarter

I Like Big Bots (And I Cannot Lie)

The more I think about Pacific Rim, the more I like it. Yes, the characters can be somewhat stock, and the plot is fairly straightforward, but the scope and spectacle of the film are awe-inspiring. I think if you had told me even five years ago that big robots would be on the big screen… Continue reading I Like Big Bots (And I Cannot Lie)

Flash Fiction: The Voice of Anise

Courtesy Panoramio To conclude The Cooperative Cliffhanger I chose to finish the story started by Jessica called Counting Down. Time is relentless. The seconds never stop ticking away, inching us closer to our destinies. Anise reflected on this as her mental countdown towards the execution got shorter and shorter. Two minutes, ten seconds. She looked… Continue reading Flash Fiction: The Voice of Anise