Self-Publishing Self-Critique

Simmering on the back burner is something I’ve been working on for over a year. It’s relatively complete. It’s got a beginning, a middle, and (in my opinion) a pretty cracking end. I’ve gotten people to look it over and agree it’s at least decent. And yet it sits there. It simmers. It waits. Because… Continue reading Self-Publishing Self-Critique

Flash Fiction: Rapunzel in Orbit

Courtesy Hunt for Alien Earths This Terribleminds Fairy Tales Remixed challenge is right up my alley, and when the d20 rolled up “hard sci-fi”, it felt like Christmas all over again. The planet was desolate, inhospitable, and far from any civilization. Which meant it was pretty much perfect. Christopher Prince bent near one of the… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Rapunzel in Orbit

Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street

I’m no financial genius. I can barely keep a checkbook balanced, let alone invest in a diverse stock portfolio. If you’re anything like me in that regard, ignorant of the stock market’s inner workings, don’t worry. You can walk into The Wolf of Wall Street and know everything you need to know. And according to… Continue reading Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street

The "Real Game" Has Begun

A surprisingly provincial addition to a world full of dragons and wizards. When I’ve played MMOs previously, especially World of Warcraft, the prevailing sentiment has been that ‘the real game begins’ at the maximum level a character can achieve. For the most part, this has applied to large-group raid or player-versus-player content. Not everybody is… Continue reading The "Real Game" Has Begun

From the Vault: The Dark Depths of Writing

A late night working plus working from home today equals headaches and other complications, the least of which is the fact that I didn’t prep a blog post yesterday. So while I brew coffee and hunt down painkillers, enjoy reading this post about what writers are. Courtesy Floating Robes You can’t say I haven’t warned… Continue reading From the Vault: The Dark Depths of Writing

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

I know I said that reviews would be happening on Fridays, and I’m bound to have something worth reviewing next week. This week, though, has been difficult. I still don’t believe this is the space for me to delve too deeply into my personal headspace difficulties. That’s what Tumblr’s for, and I posted over there… Continue reading Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Derevi & the Bouncing Souls

Art by Michael Komarck The new year has brought some new products with it, of course, and Wizards of the Coast has presented five new pre-constructed decks for the Commander imprint within Magic: the Gathering. These decks make bringing new people into the format long-called EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander) a lot easier. Each deck provides… Continue reading Derevi & the Bouncing Souls