Walk That Mile

I’m looking back over my characters, both old and new. The ones I’ve just met definitely need to be fleshed out properly. Older ones that I already know could benefit from some tweaks here and there. But for all characters created in fiction, not unlike people I encounter in real life, walking a mile in… Continue reading Walk That Mile

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction: When I Change Your Mind

Chuck’s Random Song Challenge had me shuffle my music, and the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies’ “When I Change Your Mind” came up first. I decided to try my hand at some Netrunner fiction while smacking this challenge around. Please enjoy! When he wheeled himself over to his rig and pulled out the lead, he questioned again… Continue reading Flash Fiction: When I Change Your Mind

Tabletalk: Tactical Actions in Twilight Imperium

Greetings, Your Excellency! You have been chosen to lead your people towards victory on the galactic stage. The Lazax Empire has been overthrown, and Mecatol Rex is yours for the taking. Perhaps. You must command vast armies, immense spacecraft, ambassadors, trade envoys, and the very industries of the planets of the former empire to defeat… Continue reading Tabletalk: Tactical Actions in Twilight Imperium

Let's Watch the Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer!

Normally this is my Writer Report slot, but one of the movies I’ve been the most excited about in a long time finally got a full-length trailer last night, and as much as I’m sure other, bigger sites are doing write-ups of it, I want to get my own two cents out there because people… Continue reading Let's Watch the Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer!

State of the Blog

Well, this has been an interesting couple of weeks. I’d been meaning to migrate Blue Ink Alchemy over to a different host for some time, but the final straw came when the blog went down inexplicably earlier this month, and when I contacted my host, they basically said “This was your fault” and provided a… Continue reading State of the Blog

Flash Fiction: His

For the Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge, “Twisted Love“. His was a good life. Charlie left his desk at his office promptly at 5 PM. His secretary was certain to take all incoming calls from this point, regardless of the status of his cases. His accountant was already up to speed on everything, his accounts in… Continue reading Flash Fiction: His

Fear Not The Muse

Normally, on Thursdays I use this space to geek out about something related to games. For example, I have a deck in Hearthstone that’s doing really well, I have thoughts on how important board game expansions are to a base game’s life cycle, and I want to help more people get comfortable with the somewhat… Continue reading Fear Not The Muse