Movie Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

It would be easy, far too easy at this point, for Marvel’s creative minds to just churn out one-note sequels to its successful movie franchises. Just rehash plot points, stick in named villains no matter how they’re written, and ride the wave of money all the way to the bank. But they tried that once,… Continue reading Movie Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

500 Words on Chuck Wendig

Courtesy terribleminds If you don’t know who Chuck Wendig is by now… First of all, watch this. Second of all, what the hell is wrong with you? I’ve worshipped at the Altar of the Terriblemind more than once. It involves sacrifices of coffee, whiskey, tacos, and an outpouring of creative swears while dancing naked under… Continue reading 500 Words on Chuck Wendig

Movie Review: Noah

Biblical epics are nothing new for Hollywood. One of the most well-known producer/directors of Hollywood’s past, Cecil B. Demille, worked with many such films, including The Sign of the Cross, Samson & Delilah, and of course The Ten Commandments. For a while, such spectacles have fallen out of favor, thanks to the rise of conservatism… Continue reading Movie Review: Noah

Quick Belated Update

The dayjob has, in a word, gone crazy. Tasks have flown at me in a crazy way and it’s been all I can do to keep my head above water there. Add to that the looming arrival of PAX East and the nagging sensation that I’m just not writing enough, and you have a tasty… Continue reading Quick Belated Update

Tabletalk: Let's Tell A Story

As someone who writes tales about people who don’t actually exist, the process of telling stories fascinates me. While working alone allows me to be the final arbiter of what does and does not happen, some of the best storytelling experiences I’ve had come not from a word processing document, but from other books and… Continue reading Tabletalk: Let's Tell A Story