Game Review: Hearthstone

One of the things Blizzard Entertainment does very well is presentation. World of Warcraft‘s visual style has aged rather gracefully, StarCraft 2 has remained consistent in its high-quality art and sound assets (if not necessarily the stories it is telling), and the technical alpha for Heroes of the Storm looks and sounds impressive, from everything… Continue reading Game Review: Hearthstone

Not Quite A Disconnect

Since returning from Boston, things at home have been dicey, at least as far as my connection to the Internet is concerned. This has made quite a few things problematic. I’m still trying to get all of that resolved, while getting rest and trying to minimize the amount of stress I’m inflicting on myself. I’m… Continue reading Not Quite A Disconnect

Wacky Weather & Whatnot

Traveled home from Boston today, almost lost my glasses, got a nasty whack to the head, and apparently it’s snowing in places. You know, I leave my apartment for six days and this sort of thing happens… Anyway, back to normal tomorrow.

Many Lines on One Line

This is not a post about managing lines at PAX East. It’s actually a reference to this week’s Flash Fiction challenge over on Terribleminds. Chuck has once again admonished us to write a killer opening line, which is a fantastic exercise, but not really something I can build an entire post around. Normally I would… Continue reading Many Lines on One Line

500 Words on Conventions & Community

500 Words on Conventions & Community Conventions and exhibitions almost feel like another world. Within the walls of the buildings and skyways, tens of thousands of like minds gather. It is wonderful and terrifying and energizing and exhausting, all at the same time. A lot of communities come together, especially if individuals within said communities… Continue reading 500 Words on Conventions & Community

From the Vault: The Video Game Singularity

I’m on my way to Boston for PAX East this morning. While I make my way through several states on what are certain to be lovely roads, have a look at my thoughts on the lines between video game developers and video game players, and what might happen if they get blurred. I feel we… Continue reading From the Vault: The Video Game Singularity