Game Review: Splendor

Board games come in all shapes and sizes, and run the gamut from frenetic, brief bursts of simple gameplay, like Escape! The Curse of the Temple, to day-long brain-burning grand strategy experiences, such as Twilight Imperium. Some games, however, manage the tricky feat of being both easy to learn and play, and deep in terms… Continue reading Game Review: Splendor

Too Much Story

Storytelling is (sometimes literally) my bread and butter. I lean towards games with strong story emphasis. I often value story of spectacle in movies and television. I write stories in the hope they will be enjoyed by others. A question, however, has occurred to me: is it possible for a game or novel or film… Continue reading Too Much Story

500 Words on Vera

I named my car Vera. I think it was almost 5 years ago that my old car had a close encounter of the highway divider kind. I picked up a black Honda Civic coupe from a company called CarSense, and she already had a custom exhaust and great pick-up. Considering she was the very best… Continue reading 500 Words on Vera

Papers, Please – A Love/Hate Relationship

Glory to Arstotzka. Let me be clear right from the off: I adore the fact that Papers, Please exists. For those of you who don’t know, Papers, Please is a video game described as “a dystopian document thriller.” You are a citizen in Arstotzka, a fictional country ruled by an authoritarian regime, and you are… Continue reading Papers, Please – A Love/Hate Relationship

Back on Track

Just a quick update to tell you folks I’m back to a regular workout schedule. I’m alternating between running and lifting again, but I’m lifting at home with dumbbells and I’m back on a beginner-to-5k program to help get into better shape. I kind of let myself go over the winter. Hopefully, I can take… Continue reading Back on Track

The Tank Is Empty

I can’t. I’ve been struggling all week to get something together for this week’s Terribleminds flash fiction, to try and maintain some semblance of a sane schedule somewhere in my life, and… it’s crap. It’s complete shit. It’s directionless and feels lifted from a larger narrative rather than standing on its own. I can’t put… Continue reading The Tank Is Empty