From the Vault: What We Leave Behind

Still recovering from my recent travels – in a way, it feels like I’m shaking off the vestiges of sleep and wondering if it was a dream. Anyway, here’s a dip into the past while I work on catching up. Nothing lasts forever. It’s a narrative thread woven through many, many stories we tell. Ozymandias… Continue reading From the Vault: What We Leave Behind

Hot, Hot Heat

I feel like I brought this heat and humidity back with me. It’s punishingly hot out there. It was nice to have a breezy, comfortable spring for a couple of weeks, there. I have the feeling this is just the beginning of our weather woes for the season. I really don’t have much else to… Continue reading Hot, Hot Heat

Tabletalk: What's In A Game?

As pleased as I am to see board gaming emerging from basements and grottos to become a more visible and enticing hobby, I think some people still see it as something of an enigma. The average person probably still thinks of Monopoly or Risk when ‘board games’ are mentioned. Thankfully, modern games provide a lot… Continue reading Tabletalk: What's In A Game?

Game Review: Transistor

Big budget studios love their hype machines. They see their customers as fuel for mechanical devices that print money. They choke the causeways of industry news with information on pre-orders, exclusive editions, the latest innovations and “ground-breaking” technology, sometimes before we even get a screenshot of the game in question. Independent studios tend not to… Continue reading Game Review: Transistor