Movie Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2

I’m not sure why I didn’t see How To Train Your Dragon sooner. Other than the fact that it has dragons in it, it also features Vikings, who tend to make things more interesting and fun as a general rule (see also The 13th Warrior). While I was aware that its protagonist wasn’t a physically… Continue reading Movie Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2

Throwback Thursday: The Fine Art of Selling Yourself

Technically, this is a From the Vault entry. But it’s Thursday! So let’s call it Throwback Thursday instead, just to mix things up. I’ve been running this blog for over five years now. This is an entry from the very early days. Enjoy! So you’ve written the next great American novel, or at least a… Continue reading Throwback Thursday: The Fine Art of Selling Yourself

Podcast Roundup

One day, this lovely Blue Yeti will be mine. I’ve come to really enjoy podcasts. They help pass the time at the office, they inform and entertain with fresh content on a regular basis, and they’ve even replaced the music I used to listen to while running. I’ve been slowly expanding the amount I listen… Continue reading Podcast Roundup

Flash Fiction: To Rise Again, One Must Fall

For the Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge, “Rise of the Phoenix“, with a little inspirational help from Dragonkitty. She looked out over the sea, walking next to her husband. The wind was picking up, waves crashing into rocks far below them as they navigated the cliff. She closed her eyes, listening to the white noise, memories… Continue reading Flash Fiction: To Rise Again, One Must Fall

500 Words on D-Day

“They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate.” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt, radio broadcast, June 6, 1944 The boat’s probably sprung a leak or two. The seas are choppy. Hardened men and new recruits alike are trying very hard to keep their breakfasts down. Weapons… Continue reading 500 Words on D-Day

Movie Review: X-Men Days of Future Past

I’d be one of the first to sing the praises of Marvel’s cinematic arm from the rooftops. Their connected films have maintained a reasonable baseline of quality, with its weaker films still being decent or fun to watch. Unfortunately, movies of Marvel franchises outside of the actual Marvel Studios have had a rougher road. Spider-Man’s… Continue reading Movie Review: X-Men Days of Future Past