No Guilty Pleasures

I’m making plans to go see Transformers: Age of Extinction later this week. Possibly on that most American of holidays, Independence Day. What better way to celebrate the birth of a nation and honor the sacrifices made by those fighting for its autonomy than a big-budget action movie filled with Americana iconography and military/weapon fetishism?… Continue reading No Guilty Pleasures

From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

Watching Gurren-Hen last night, I come back to the reasons why I fell in love with Gurren Lagann in the first place. I want to revisit that. Courtesy Rabbitpoets, will credit original artist! When I encounter a new story that I find myself enjoying thoroughly, there’s a part of me that can’t just leave it… Continue reading From The Vault: Drill, Baby, Drill

500 Words on Momentum

With everything that’s been happening, I am more and more aware that it can be extremely difficult to maintain a consistent pace. From running to writing to preparing for life’s next adventure, things seem to be happening in short, irregular bursts, rather than unfolding according to any sort of plan. I keep telling myself that… Continue reading 500 Words on Momentum

Bad Shed

The time was right. The scales were old, and worn. New skin was eager to emerge beneath. She rested, waiting, avoiding food, her eyes cloudy and unfocused, all but blind. She curled under her favorite rock, out of sight, out of the light. The surface of the rock was rough, as was the bedding in… Continue reading Bad Shed

Change The Scene

I’ve been finding it difficult to write lately. I have a ton of ideas chasing themselves around in my head, projects to complete and new novels to start, yet I’m running into some serious roadblocks. I have to assume that I’m not alone: a lot of writers are pre-occupied with many things, from life events… Continue reading Change The Scene

From The Vault: An (Old) Writerly Rant

It’s been two years since I first went off on this particular rant. I’ve updated some text accordingly. “[A] writing career is about putting a bucket on your head and trying to knock down a brick wall. It’s either you or the wall.” ~Chuck Wendig Reality’s a stone-cold bitch. That’s why I mostly write fiction.… Continue reading From The Vault: An (Old) Writerly Rant

Making Twilight Imperium Mine

I’ve written up a couple in-depth after-action reports of Twilight Imperium before. I’m willing to do it again for the game that happened yesterday, but I find myself spending time and brain-power analyzing the game in terms of its structures, house rules, and interaction with the players. I’ve only played the game a few times,… Continue reading Making Twilight Imperium Mine