Game Review: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

It has been a mere week since I wrote up my First Impressions of Monolith’s open-world Tolkien-based stab-’em-up Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. While I have not finished the game, I have opened up quite a bit of the world, engaged in a plethora of power struggles, learned a great deal about one of the darkest… Continue reading Game Review: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Against the Grind

The writers I am fortunate enough to know either in passing or in person are exceptional people. They are endlessly creative, skilled with language, and above all else, pretty stubborn. You have to be, if you want to make it as a writer. Especially given the systems in place in the world around us. When… Continue reading Against the Grind

Flash Fiction: You Had To Have It

For this week’s Terribleminds Flash Fiction Challenge, I chose the sentence written by Vicente L Ruiz. Enjoy! I have witnessed the end of humanity. I don’t know how any rational human being could have a different thought at the sight of people lined up outside of the ostentatious glass-walled store. For release after release, I… Continue reading Flash Fiction: You Had To Have It

First Impressions: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

At first glance, the concept for Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor seems like something you’d find on a fan-fiction site, aching for the sort of opportunity that was afforded to 50 Shades of Gray. An Illithen Ranger, one of the fabled Dunedain, falls victim to an untimely death but is resurrected thanks to the intervention of… Continue reading First Impressions: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

I'm An Adult, I Swear

Art courtesy Andre Jordan I feel, at times, that I am failing at this whole “adulthood” thing. I don’t have what people would consider a traditional career path. I’m not looking after or interested in inheriting the family business, as the family doesn’t really have one – other than being awesome. I do not walk… Continue reading I'm An Adult, I Swear

Doctor Who?

One of the brilliant concepts built into Doctor Who is the idea of regeneration. When a Time Lord is mortally wounded or exposed to lethal levels of radiation or what have you, they have a final, powerful mechanism for survival. Their body literally rebuilds itself, taking on a new appearance and stature. This also has… Continue reading Doctor Who?

Pilot Review: Gotham

It’s officially Autumn. New television shows are starting to come out of the woodwork. After the season premieres of The Blacklist (which was excellent) and Sleepy Hollow (as delightfully and shamelessly fun and adventurous as always), I watched the pilot of the new series Gotham. With the sort of premise that guarantees a built-in fan… Continue reading Pilot Review: Gotham

I Want It All

I’m still curious about the particulars of a business plan for Blue Ink Alchemy. A serious and strict writing schedule, Patreon, fundraising, promotional work, deadlines… these are all things I’ve burned lean tissue considering. It would be wonderful to hammer everything into place and get that phase of my life completely started. I’ve even considered… Continue reading I Want It All