Go Outside

I love the amenities of modern life. Video games, the Internet, films, toaster ovens, books, on and on. As a writer, I am used to making myself a bit of a recluse, something of a hermit, tucked away in a solitary room where shelves heave with papers and the only sounds are the tapping of… Continue reading Go Outside

500 Words on Trolls

Yes. They’re real. They’re disgusting. They think they’re always right. But they don’t live under bridges; they live on the Internet. ‘Trolls’ is modern shorthand for people who use the broadcasting power and, occasionally, anonymity of the Internet to spew their opinions at people. No matter how ignorant or misinformed those opinions might be, these… Continue reading 500 Words on Trolls


Courtesy Floating Robes Hey, you out there! Yes, you! Aspiring novelist! Getting geared up for NaNoWriMo? Got some ideas? Pencils sharpened, pens inked, paper at the ready? Excellent! I wish you the best of luck. I won’t be participating this year. Or… maybe ever. Don’t get me wrong. I like the concept. It’s a structured… Continue reading NaNoWriNOW

Flash Fiction: Strong Yet Subtle

For this week’s Flash Fiction Challenge over at Terribleminds, Picking Uncommon Apples, the random number gods bestowed upon me 28, 18, and 31. Here’s what came out of those choices! Ravenna slipped through the opened grate with the sort of smooth ease that only comes from years of practice. She heard the soft splashing behind… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Strong Yet Subtle

White Weenies: A Hearthstone Deck Dossier

“Put your faith in the Light!” I’ve been making attempts to climb up the ladder of ranks in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft for the last few months, in my spare time. … And finally, I have a deck that, while certainly inspired mostly by another of the same name, has had enough tweaks that I… Continue reading White Weenies: A Hearthstone Deck Dossier