An Examination of Extremism

We live in an increasingly interconnected world. It is not difficult to access information that can inform you of all sorts of points of view. It does, however, take time. And time is a precious thing when events are unfolding regarding a controversy or an otherwise unfortunate event. Snap judgements and knee-jerk reactions make for… Continue reading An Examination of Extremism

Lest We Forget

I know this is a rehash of a previous post. I’m not altering a word in or after the block quote. I believe that these ideas are worth repeating, because we’re talking about people who voluntarily walk into warzones and don’t necessarily walk back out; if they do, chances are, they will never be the… Continue reading Lest We Forget

The Truth About #GamerGate

“It’s actually about ethics in games journalism.” To some, it’s an argument against inflammatory, despicable behavior that arises from and is associated with the GamerGate movement. To others, it’s the punchline of the bad joke the movement has become, in the light of threats of rape, damage, and even school shootings in protest of women… Continue reading The Truth About #GamerGate

From the Vault: How to Survive Living with a Writer

For the benefit of my new flatmates, here are some tips on living with a writer! Courtesy Floating Robes One of the most popular posts ever over at terribleminds is this one, entitled “Beware of Writer.” He also penned a sequel that’s just as worthwhile to read. But let’s say you’ve ignored his advice. You’re… Continue reading From the Vault: How to Survive Living with a Writer

Change Isn't Always Fast

Have you ever walked into a room in your home, be it yours specifically or just one you tend to occupy, and look around with a feeling of “Boy, I have got to clean this thing up”? That’s been my feeling regarding this website lately. I’ve never had a whole lot of success selling myself.… Continue reading Change Isn't Always Fast

Masks Off

I’ve had kind of a shitty week. I haven’t heard from recruiters. Barely a word from the dayjob leads I’m pursuing on my own. I’ve had difficulties in maintaining focus, getting words out, not being pulled into discussions on the Internet. Hell, I finally went to bed at a reasonable hour last night, and I… Continue reading Masks Off

Reset and Realignment

Today is a busy day for me, but I’m still having trouble getting the day started as early as I’d like. I’m doing what I can to reset my schedule so it’s easier for me to rise when my alarm goes off, not when my cat paws at my face until I feed him. But… Continue reading Reset and Realignment