An Open Letter of Apology

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

In a previous post, I endeavored to explore and explain the root cause of the damaging, self-sabotaging, and toxic behaviors that lead me to my most recent hospitalization and the ramifications still being felt by those who were once partners, friends, and associates. I opened with a general apology, but did not dig into the… Continue reading An Open Letter of Apology

Lame of Thrones

Spoilers for Game of Thrones (the TV series) ahead. Fairly be ye warned. But I need to talk about this, because it’s been bothering me ever since the end credits for Episode 4 of Season 8 rolled across the screen. I have so many questions, and I don’t like any of the answers. The biggest… Continue reading Lame of Thrones

Getting Good at Starting Over

Hi. It’s been a while. And I’m not sure we’ve actually met. I don’t think this is comfortable for anyone involved. There are a lot of people, who saw who I was and tried to be there for me, that think of me or look in my direction and are completely baffled by or uncertain… Continue reading Getting Good at Starting Over

500 Words on Dynamism

Everything changes. I’m finding myself thinking about the paradigm in Mage: the Ascension that some refer to as the Metaphysical Trinity. It’s a cycle that consists of Dynamism, Stasis, and Entropy. As I prepare to leave the start-up life behind, hopefully forever, and move into a position in life that is more stable and less inducing of constant… Continue reading 500 Words on Dynamism

The Magic's Back

Art by Tyler Jacobson

I really wasn’t expecting to get back into Magic: The Gathering. I’ve been a Hearthstone player for a while, now. And it did a decent job of scratching that CCG itch that started back in ’93 or so when I first picked up my first starter deck of Magic. The Warcraft theme and some of the… Continue reading The Magic's Back

500 Words on Happiness

HOLY SHIT IT’S A NEW BLOG POST I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much time I’ve lost, or has been stolen from me, because I’ve been unhappy. Unhappily married, unhappily employed, unhappily living. As human beings, nobody would choose to be unhappy, save for the willfully masochistic, and I’m not one of them.… Continue reading 500 Words on Happiness

A Pawn No Longer

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” — Denis Waitley I know this is a long post. Thank you for reading it in its entirety. Let’s begin at the beginning. I was diagnosed with Type II Bipolar Disorder 14 years ago at… Continue reading A Pawn No Longer

Ballad of the Doomguy

I’ve been playing a lot of 2016’s DOOM lately. It hearkens back to the shooters of my youth. There’s a lot of catharsis in blasting demons with cool weapons and punching them in the face. The levels are large and they reward exploration with opportunities to customize your preferred blasting methods and adorable figurines. Perhaps… Continue reading Ballad of the Doomguy

The Deep Mines of Published Adventures

I’d like to give you a bit of a peek “behind the curtain” regarding where inspiration comes from and how basic materials from other sources can lead to new ideas and new directions in storytelling. This past weekend, I put together a one-shot D&D adventure for Seattle fans of Critical Role. While I did re-watch… Continue reading The Deep Mines of Published Adventures