From the Vault: Theorycrafting

I am giving some serious thought to jumping back into the mix of tactical planning, visceral satisfaction, and utter frustration that is League of Legends. To that end, and since I’m not quite back on the review train yet, here’s a relevant post from back in the day that reflects what I’m doing now: planning… Continue reading From the Vault: Theorycrafting

Midnight Oil Doesn't Burn Clean

It’s pretty much a romantic ideal. The dedicated writer or the voracious student hunched over a desk, illuminated by a single light source, in the dead of night. I’ve pulled all-nighters myself, in the past. And there are times, these days, where I am up working on something past midnight. But they are becoming fewer… Continue reading Midnight Oil Doesn't Burn Clean

Categorized as Writing

Flash Fiction: Bart Luther, Freelance Exorcist

I’m getting back into the saddle with the Terribleminds Flash Fiction challenge, and doing so has me writing the first 1000 words of a story someone else will finish. Hopefully, someone will find this interesting. I can’t imagine to understand everything that occurs in my life. I can’t account for everything I’ve seen. At least… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Bart Luther, Freelance Exorcist

Rise of the Craptop

The author and the subject, in their natural habitat. Writers have a long and storied history of being mercurial creatures. We’re moody, we tend towards solitary behaviors, and our passions run hot, even if writing has nothing to do with it. We also get distracted by shiny objects. And the Internet is full of shiny… Continue reading Rise of the Craptop