Me And My Spider

As of yesterday, I finally have a complete set of Transmetropolitan. When the final volumes arrived, and I got home to pick them up, I immediately stretched out on the couch to finish reading the series. Then, last night, I started reading it again. I’m planning on reading through every trade paperback in sequence once… Continue reading Me And My Spider


Folks, it is very, very important to save your work. After a harrowing and edgy day of front-end coding work, I came home and wrote. I did some other things, first: watched the rest of a movie I’d started the other night, checked in with friends, got some food. But I finally returned to what… Continue reading Control+S

Energy Ebb

Change, even when it is welcomed, can be difficult. I’m not just talking about daylight savings time, and losing an hour of potential sleep to an antiquated means of preserving candle wax or lamp oil. I’m referring to the fact that on top of the new dayjob, and all of its responsibilities and pressures, I… Continue reading Energy Ebb

Whups, Missed A Day

Okay. I said last week that this week the normal blogging schedule would resume. But for various reason that do not bear divulging on this particular outlet (which is why I maintain others), things have gotten in my way. I’ve been struggling to find more time and energy for more writing, and the emphasis here… Continue reading Whups, Missed A Day

Code Author By Day

For a while I’ve described myself as a “code author by day, genre author by night.” In truth, there hasn’t been a lot of legitimate code writing in previous positions. Most of my work has been maintenance: change this color, update this copy, move this graphic three pixels to the left, animate this 20% more… Continue reading Code Author By Day

500 Words on Free-To-Play Games

I know there are a lot of people who consider “free to play” a dirty word. Or a dirty series of words. A dirty turn of phrase? Anyway, they don’t like it as a concept. And I can understand why: it sounds like a bait-and-switch. A game like League of Legends or Hearthstone or Jetpack… Continue reading 500 Words on Free-To-Play Games

Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2

This week’s Flash Fiction challenge over at Terribleminds is to write the second part of a four-part story started by someone else. I picked “Sorceress of Flame” by Toni J, whose site you should definitely check out. — Part 1, by Toni J — The magic in dragonflame lingered long after any heat had died… Continue reading Flash Fiction: Sorceress of Flame, Part 2