The Jovian Flight

Is the advent of scientific progress worth the cost?  The first in a series based loosely on Greek myths, this story examines the priorities of those interested in pushing the boundaries of science. ~ ~ ~ Professor Daedalus was in an extremely agitated state. It was the first time his proposed method of traveling faster… Continue reading The Jovian Flight


Do I have your attention? This site is very much a work in progress at this point.  My biggest hurdle is the integration of bbPress with the main site.  Basically, I want pretty posts I make here to reflect in a forum where people can comment and discuss without the front page getting terribly cluttered. … Continue reading DON'T PANIC

A New Beginning

This is, unfortunately, an untagged, uncategorized, and wholly uninteresting post.  But it’s the first I’m making.  So it’ll be pinged, fed, mapped, and all that wonderful Web stuff. Subsequent posts will be more interesting.  Much more interesting. Promise.