Lions & Fortnights & Codes, Oh My!

I really couldn’t think of an appropriate image for this little literary trip down memory lane, so here’s a picture of a mountain lion. It’s semi-appropriate, I suppose, since the first iteration of the first novel I ever wrote was entitled “Project: Lion,” and if that doesn’t betray the fact I wrote the thing in… Continue reading Lions & Fortnights & Codes, Oh My!

Dark X-Men

The Dark Reign event is in full swing over at Marvel. In the wake of the brutal Skrull Invasion, Normal Osborn (aka the Green Goblin) of all people has taken hold of the planet. Tony Stark is on the run, deleting the sensitive information he collected as head of SHIELD from his brain one neuron… Continue reading Dark X-Men

Checking Inn

Art by Kennon James They slay dragons, liberate the oppressed and defy the nefarious plans of unspeakably evil villains. Some of them wear suits of armor and ride into battle on noble steeds while others stay far from the melee and rely on intellect and study for their combative prowess. However, what fantasy heroes have… Continue reading Checking Inn

On The Tube: NCIS

With money being tight, it’s difficult for me to get out and see as many movies as I’d like. Public Enemies was just released, and I still haven’t been able to go and see Up. I have, however, been introduced to several new television shows, and they can be just as interesting as the latest… Continue reading On The Tube: NCIS

Iron Bats

The real world is a chaotic and disheartening place. Once again a steady stream of work has kept me from being able to get my thoughts out as expediently as I would like. The major flaw in establishing a schedule is the feeling one gets when falling behind. However, rather than allowing that feeling to… Continue reading Iron Bats

Swimming Up The Mainstream

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Zero Punctuation and the above entry has a particularly good point about originality and creativeness around 1:00 in that applies to entertainment other than gaming. It seems to me that an increasing number of films, tv series and novels are falling into somewhat disturbing if not self-destructive… Continue reading Swimming Up The Mainstream


While making my way through Elwynn Forest towards Goldshire, it occurred to me that I needed to do something that I hadn’t done since I last rolled an Alliance character. I took a slight detour from the path, strolled the lands north of Westbook Garrison, and there he was. One quickly loosed arrow later, he… Continue reading Over-Achievement