How Not To Query

One of the biggest challenges in writing a novel, other than writing it in the first place, is finding a way to get your masterpeice into the hands of a public eager for new stories. Provided you’d like to get paid for your hard work, frustration and original ideas, you’re going to need to get… Continue reading How Not To Query

Come Get Da Voodoo

Since this is going to be a post about World of Warcraft, I’ll spare those of you uninterested in such overt geekery the rambling thoughts that follow. Just pretend I’m reviewing The Hurt Locker or something.

Dry Spells

Let’s say you’re a writer, and you’re finding it difficult to write. You have ideas, perhaps you can even see events you want to write about happening in your mind, but you can’t commit them to paper. Maybe you feel that your ideas are invalid. Maybe writing is not your primary profession, and your main… Continue reading Dry Spells

On The Tube: House

“I cure illnesses,” Doctor Gregory House claims as he pops a handful of vicodin. “Not patients.” Out of all of the television doctors I’ve seen, I can’t think of a single one who approaches House. Not only is he brilliant, he’s manically brilliant, to the point that Sherlock Holmes seems quite sane and well-balanced by… Continue reading On The Tube: House

Up and Coming

In the midst of my day-to-day workflow, the aftermath of my nuptials, and trying & failing to keep several financial chainsaws in the air while ducking for cover to avoid losing limbs, the news coming from my various writing prospects has taken a rather positive turn. I need to push forward on writing my fantasy… Continue reading Up and Coming

Movie Review: Watchmen

Considering how tight money is for me at the moment, I neither bought new comics today nor the Director’s Cut of Watchmen last night. However, from the annuls of my LiveJournal, I’ve plucked the review of the film and am reposting it with a couple revisions to clear up some confusion. So, without further ado,