Casseroles are great things for cooks, especially if they’re derived from a previous meal. Take my mother’s famous turkey casserole. Born out of financial hardship, it takes the remainder of a hearty and somewhat pricey turkey dinner from the holidays, mixes various ingredients together into a simple glass casserole dish, and the resulting meal doesn’t… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Stardust

Movie Review: District 9

I’m not going to beat around the bush with this: Go. See. District. 9. Starring Shartlo Copley, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt, Vanessa Haywood, David James, Mandla Gaduka and Hlengiwe Madlala. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, produced by Peter Jackson.


There is a conceit among several movers and shakers in the entertainment industry, that people are perfectly happy paying their hard-earned money for dumb entertainment. With completely straight faces, they put features on the screen that are little more than vehicles for a string of unrealistic shootouts linked by insincere acting, bouncing breasts, or both.… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Ronin

The Coming Cataclysm

So Blizzcon has come and gone, and along with hands-on time with Starcraft II and the unveiling of the Monk class for Diablo III, the big feature of the convention was the announcement of the next expansion to the World of Warcraft, Cataclysm. The reactions to the various announcements have been mixed, and I’d like… Continue reading The Coming Cataclysm


It’s a beautiful Friday outside in Doylestown, and before I dive back into a pile of legitimate work, let’s discuss a movie my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed viewing this week. The movie in question is Doubt, starring Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams. Plays that become movies don’t have pulse-pounding action or… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Doubt

Let's Talk About Fox

First and foremost, if you didn’t see Jon Stewart talk about the drastic ‘liberal’ turn FOX News has taken of late, watch the clip below. Trust me, it’s worth your time. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Do Not Adjust Your Net

It could simply be due to the nature of the economy, or perhaps the transition from my previous job to my current one, but I have to admit that over the last month or so I’ve experienced something of a heroic BSOD (that’s “Blue Screen of Death” for those unfamiliar with the acronym). It went… Continue reading Do Not Adjust Your Net

Are You Not Entertained?

If Warcraft Sues is any indication, a lot of people running around on role-playing servers like mine are there for shameless attention gathering and “mature” role-playing. Prime examples are this, this and dear God, this monstrosity. This could just be me, but I think that the role-playing bit of a role-playing game should be more… Continue reading Are You Not Entertained?

Movie Review: Defiance

I was hoping to have reviews of current movies ready to go for the next couple of weeks, specifically “Up” and “District 9”, both of which I’m quite eager to see. Unfortunately, the same financial stranglehold that keeps my wife & I from going to BlizzCon or Cape May or even Philadelphia for a day… Continue reading Movie Review: Defiance