[audio:] Push came out in the midst of the resurgence of the super-hero film. After the success of X-Men and Spider-Man, and the advent of Heroes on television, there have been super-hero stories both good and bad brought to the big screen. Comparisons between Push and, say, Iron Man are pretty much inevitable. While it… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Push

Works in Progress III: Video Crossroads

The writing continues apace. I haven’t had another burst of words like last Monday night, but I’m still close to finishing another chapter of Lighthouse. I’ve been commissioned to write a Pathfinder adventure of 8-10k words, which I’m chipping away at with the hope of having something to deliver by the end of the week.… Continue reading Works in Progress III: Video Crossroads

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter

(special request by Monica Flink. Thanks for your support!) [audio:] Vampires killing vampires really isn’t anything new. It’s ground that’s been trod pretty heavily. But while Blade focuses on gadgetry and the badassness of Wesley Snipes, and Underworld deals with the world of normal people as little as possible, Rise: Blood Hunter tells a tight,… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Rise: Blood Hunter

Jotting in the Margins: Do-Over

I picked up Dragon Age: Origins because I’m a sucker for both fantasy role-playing games and BioWare’s writing. Sure, they’ll dump extensive write-ups into your journal (or Codex in this case) at the slightest provocation and some of the conversations can be a little long-winded, but the writing is so good and the character stories… Continue reading Jotting in the Margins: Do-Over

Everything's Cooler in Space: Character Creation

I’m actually not going to spend much time on this today – I have a lot to do at the day job. So I’ll just put some of the notes I have on character creation for the sci-fi RPG here and see if anybody has any feedback. Attributes Body: Strength, Agility, Endurance Mind: Perception, Intelligence,… Continue reading Everything's Cooler in Space: Character Creation