One At A Time

I hate Dragon Age: Origins right now. There’s apparently a memory leak in the PC version of the game that causes load times to last longer and longer the more you play it. If you play for, say, an hour, you might not notice. But in my fervor to finish my first play-through I spent… Continue reading One At A Time

The Way To Her Heart

My wife likes chocolates, shoes and shiny jewelry as much as the next woman. But the truest way to her heart involves things far nerdier than such pedestrian items. See, I married a gamer. She carries dice in her purse, she knows the ins and outs of many character classes in a variety of games… Continue reading The Way To Her Heart

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers

[audio:] I’m not going to mince words. Robert Heinlein is the reason I got interested in writing fiction. Granted, it was his novel The Cat Who Walks Through Walls that started the wheels turning in my head, but Starship Troopers was also evocative and fascinating to the nascent mind of this young writer twenty years… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Starship Troopers

Plowing Forward

Get plot points vetted. Generate dramatis personae document. Work out rules of languages & magic. Write the damn thing (target word count:125k) Find a publisher. From all outward appearances, not much is happening around here. Apparently the region has been ‘paralyzed’ by the recent snowstorm. It’s gone by many names – “Snowmageddon”, “Snopocalypse”, “Snotorious B.I.G.”,… Continue reading Plowing Forward

Evil Will Always Triumph Because Good Is Dumb

As the process of putting together the Character Bible for The Project winds down, I find myself sorting characters into ‘major’ and ‘minor’ categories. One of the characters that’s been shuffled into the latter area is one that I thought would be considered more important than he really is. He’s one of the antagonists, and… Continue reading Evil Will Always Triumph Because Good Is Dumb

Games People Play

See that? Even our kitten likes games. I thought I’d take a moment of your time to remind you that no gamer exists in a vacuum, and tell you about what some of the other important gamers in my life are up to and blogging about. Epixaricacy has been playing Mass Effect. I’ve talked about… Continue reading Games People Play