Card Revisited

It’s been brought to my attention that, in a previous post, I might come off as somewhat unkind to Orson Scott Card. That certainly wasn’t my intent. I’ve only read a few of his works, but I admit that what I’ve read so far has impressed me. Here’s why. Ender’s Game As far as I’m… Continue reading Card Revisited

Movies in 15 Minutes

Okay, ignore Vader in this one. I want to talk about Cleolinda‘s Movies in 15 Minutes. Here goes. *ahem* GO READ IT. Seriously. Why are you still here? I have nothing to say today. I have a complete and total lack of energy and the day’s not at all gone well. So go read something… Continue reading Movies in 15 Minutes

Describing Description

I know a few people who don’t agree with Confused Matthew‘s opinions on movies, even if he has good points to make. But one thing that took me aback was how much I appreciated him pointing out that 2001: A Space Odyssey didn’t really do much in a narrative sense. Oh, it was masterfully shot… Continue reading Describing Description

Ten Rules For Writing Fiction: My Turn

Well, everybody’s doing it, it seems. No, not that, that’s dirty. I’m talking about this whole “Ten Rules For Writing Fiction” thing. This article got writers thinking about it, and some others – most notably the Magic Talking Beardhead – have taken it upon themselves to write up their own. Which leaves me feeling compelled… Continue reading Ten Rules For Writing Fiction: My Turn

Regarding Halo (Delayed)

I originally had a post here that wasn’t written very well and was full of failure, so until I can properly articulate my feelings on first person shooters in general and Halo in particular, here’s a picture of my cat looking at some snow.

Game Review: BioShock 2

“Somewhere… beyond the sea, somewhere… waiting for me…” I mentioned in my review of the first BioShock that Rapture is a living, breathing entity. One of the biggest impressions made by its sequel is that the underwater city didn’t just up and disappear after the conclusion of the first game. Rapture marched on without us,… Continue reading Game Review: BioShock 2


[audio:] If some of the screenwriters and directors in Hollywood are to be believed, computers are magical devices. Hook yours up to a wall socket, type really fast, and hey presto, the Pentagon’s your bitch. Some hackers out there are so good they can do this while being held at gunpoint, or shall we say… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Sneakers

Missing the Mako

Jaysus Begorrah, there are a lot of Mass Effect 2 reviews out there. I suppose sooner or later I’ll post one of my own, once I’m able to play the damn thing, but going with my revamped “one at a time” policy, I need to finish Dragon Age and BioShock 2 first. Which hopefully means… Continue reading Missing the Mako