Further Thoughts on Mass Effect's Combat

I mentioned I’m playing Mass Effect again. In addition to highlighting just how uninteresting my hobbies can be, the experience allows me to more finely compare and contrast certain aspects of both games. The combat is the first and most likely target for such a comparison, as it’s one of the biggest problems people have… Continue reading Further Thoughts on Mass Effect's Combat

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/gamers.mp3] Currently, the prevailing definition of the word “gamer” is “someone who plays video games.” However, the label has an older connotation. For years, gamers were people who populated the tables of college dorm basements, comic store back rooms and Mom’s dining room, one of them hunched behind a screen describing unspeakable horrors while the… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising


(This is another one of those personal posts you can probably ignore.) It isn’t all fun and games out here, kids. I’m looking for a new place to live, I need to take our littlest kitten to a vet because she’s way overdue to see one, Vera needs some additional servicing since I didn’t get… Continue reading Ouch.

Works Life in Progress

I’m taking a cue from Ye Olde Magick Speaking Beardface and just putting down some words about life in general at this point. I only have one real creative work in progress at the moment, which is more than enough considering everything that’s going on. “Who’re you calling a program, program?”* Right, first things first.… Continue reading Works Life in Progress

Regarding Halo

The follow contains mostly my personal opinion and can probably be disregarded. The game Halo and I have something of a history. I grew up with shooters in one hand and space flight sims & strategy games in the other. When I was fed up with the politicing of my AI opponents in Master of… Continue reading Regarding Halo

Going To My Corner

When I get really serious about writing, when it’s “crunch time” for an assignment or I feel I really need to bang out some words on The Project, I head over to my corner. Like a carpenter’s workbench or a mechanic’s tool chest, my corner is a place I’ve set aside to work on writing… Continue reading Going To My Corner


[audio:http://www.blueinkalchemy.com/uploads/wanted.mp3] I think it’s safe to say that just about anything can be adapted into a film. Even in this little obscure corner of the Internet, quite a few adaptations have been reviewed as they’ve passed through my mailbox or browser. Starship Troopers is the adaptation of a novel. The Mutant Chronicles adapted a tabletop… Continue reading IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! Wanted